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Science and Political News of 2021

Page 14

Veteran Don Sladek and his granddaughter, Gracie Sladek standing beside a veteran's battlefield cross with the rifle pointing downward, a helmet on top and adorned with flags.

June 2021-Biogen was approved for Aducanumab, a drug to reduce amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's patients.  We hoped they would go for the "one-two punch" and use Gosuranemab for tau reduction. Unfortunately, they did not see a clinical response in Alzheimer's and stopped production.  We were devastated!  Fortunately, they gave Don medication through June 2023.

At the same time, Congress enacted the William M. Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act.  This new law added Parkinsoisms to the list of Agent Orange presumptions.  We filed an appeal for Don's case to the VA and waited...due to Covid, the VA was back-logged, and nothing happened...In June 2022, he was denied because he was stationed in Udorn, Thailand.

Vietnam Era Veteran Don Sladek with his granddaughter, Cadet Corps Company Commander Gracie Sladek at the Bakersfield National Cemetery. with the Wreathes Across America

Don with his granddaughter, Gracie, at the Bakersfield National Cemetery for Wreathes Across America, December 2022

Veterans have a long history on the battlefield with the Soldier's Code,

"Until they are home,


Biogen's Gosuranemabe, with a comprehensive care plan, is the best current option for Corticobasal Syndrome and potentially other neurodegenerative disorders.

Hands reaching out to help
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